Tonight Restore Community Church had its 6th launch team meeting. We are three weeks from our Grand Opening so the energy level is high. We have quite a bit to do to get ready for the people we are praying that God will bring us on March 2nd. Specifically, we are looking for missionaries who will join this mission for 3-6 weeks to serve in Kids' City with Jessica Bowman.
I got a chance to share her story and boy was that fun.
Here it is...It was 1988 and a young pastor just moved to town. The first thing he did was to go door to door to ask people questions about why they did or didn’t go to church. At one home where he stopped he met a nice family, who had some church background, but were definitely seeking. This family had three kids. One boy and two girls. One of the girls was an eight year old who came to the very first service of a church meeting in a school on the first Sunday in March 1989 when 465 people showed up. As the attendance leveled off at 200, her family was still there and this new church became her “home church”. There were many dedicated servants who served in the children’s ministry of this church and it was here that she learned about Jesus, grew in her faith and made a private and public decision to follow Jesus and was baptized in the swimming pool of the high school where this church met. She went off to college and then returned to teach high school nearby. She met a young man, fell in love and was married. And she came back to her “home church” to attend with her new husband….And God grabbed her. Put a desire in her heart to make an impact for the Kingdom….And when she was asked to leave her teaching job, move to Kansas City and become the director of Kids’ City for Restore Community Church, she said yes…
So let me ask you…Would you like to serve along side Jessica be someone who, for an 8 year old girl, will be creating for them their “home church”.
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